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Reversing The Effects Of El Niño On Your Skin

The sun has been brutal these past months, bearing down on Pinoy skin with temperatures as high as the mid-40s.

As we wave the heatwave “Goodbye!”, we need to revisit, repair, and rebuild the damage it has caused on our skin.

So in this post, we look at the basics of effective skincare. 

The “SWEAT” Formula


In those months of intense heat, that’s easily what we’ve all been doing.


Well, it will also be our acronym for an anti-aging approach.  


We’ve all had those days when we’re running on a few hours of sleep. And you know it not just by your mood or performance, you can see it in the mirror. You do not glow. Those eye bags don’t lie, and your skin looks dull and dry.

Sleeping is a big part of skincare.

The body’s regenerative processes are at their peak during rest. Old skin cells are replaced, and damaged ones are repaired and restored. A good night’s sleep is a precursor to smooth, firm, and radiant skin.  

A lack of sleep means a reduction in collagen production, the protein responsible for our skin’s structure and elasticity.

So aim for 7-9 hours of Zzzs every night. 


Your body’s hydration levels have an impact on how your skin looks. A well-hydrated skin is elastic and supple, with water filling the spaces between skin cells and resulting in a plump and smooth appearance.

Dehydrated skin, for its part, is dry and flaky. It’s rough to the touch and highly likely to form fine lines and wrinkles.

Water is such a big piece of the puzzle when restoring skin health and maintaining its smooth and elastic form.   


Exercise doesn’t just get you looking all red and flushed. It improves circulation and delivers oxygen and needed nutrients to skin cells. With good blood flow, you’re essentially nourishing your skin cells, facilitating their maintenance and regeneration.

And as you sweat, you are at the same time flushing toxins out of the body.

Exercise can relieve stress as well—reducing cortisol levels. High levels of cortisol can lead to skin problems like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. By relieving stress, you’re promoting a clearer and healthier glow.   


Antioxidants have an array of functions. Ultimately, they help maintain and protect the skin from aging and damage.

A diet rich in known antioxidants—Vitamin C, Vitamin E, polyphenols, and retinoids—can slow down the aging process.

Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, boost collagen production, and mitigate UV damage. They bolster the skin’s barrier function and help reduce dark spots and discoloration.

Berries, leafy greens, fatty fish, nuts & seeds, green tea, dark chocolate, and tomatoes are known rich sources of antioxidants.  


Last, and certainly not the least, treat your skin to some good ol’ loving.

Follow a skincare regimen. The important thing here is consistency. You can reverse the damaging effects of the recent El Nino by sticking to a skincare routine. Before you know it, you will feel reborn as your skin slowly reverts to an optimal state.

The 4 Basic Steps in Skincare

 A one-size-fits-all skincare solution is often not optimal because each person's skin is unique. Individuals have different treatment needs, but there are essential steps that everyone should get into. (We will focus on the face.) Here they are:

#1 Cleansing

Whether you’re waking up or coming from a long day at work, start by removing the dirt, oil, makeup, and other impurities on your skin. Using a suitable cleanser for your skin type, remove excess sebum, and dead skin cells to prevent them from clogging the pores and possibly causing acne.

Cleansing prepares your skin for the next steps, ensuring better absorption and effectiveness of treatments.

#2 Toning

It’s an often misunderstood and overlooked part of the routine.

Using cotton balls with toning solution, apply circular and upward strokes on the face.

Toning has several important functions. One is to ensure a more thorough cleaning by further removing residual dirt and oil from the face. It also helps “tone” the skin’s natural pH balance. (The pH balance can be disrupted during the initial cleansing process).

Toners “tone” the skin by tightening or minimizing the pores, giving it a smoother and more refined texture. They help even out the skin for a more radiant complexion. 

#3 Moisturizing

Healthy skin is not dry, or flaky. It’s well-hydrated, plump and bouncy. By sealing the water content in skin cells, moisturizers prevent skin from looking dull, lackluster, and dehydrated. 

Moisturizers keep the skin feeling smooth and soft, while also minimizing signs of skin damage.

#4 Putting Sun Protection

The sun is your skin’s biggest enemy. Overexposure can result in premature aging, sunburn, and discoloration.

Worse, the sun’s UV rays can lead to skin cancer.

Wearing sunscreen should therefore be as standard as brushing one’s teeth. The higher the SPF (Sun Protection Factor), the longer you can stay under the sun without sunburn and exposure to UVB rays.

Sun protection, especially in a country like the Philippines, should be used year-round, even on cloudy days.   

Different Types Of Skin & How To Treat Each One

#1 Balanced Skin

Balanced skin is neither too oily nor too dry and characterized by an even and smooth texture. It is healthy, well-hydrated skin, and has a pH level of around 5.5 (slightly acidic).

This one is the easiest to care for, requiring only a basic cleanser and a lightweight moisturizer. The skin is already healthy, so best leave it be.    

#2 Dry Skin

Dry skin is flaky and rough, and can sometimes be itchy. Dryness can be prevented by using a rich moisturizer that can hydrate the skin without irritating it. Skin products with hyaluronic acid can help keep the skin moisturized.

Hyaluronic acid is known to bind to water help retain moisture and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

#3 Oily Skin

Oily skin looks shiny and greasy. It is the result of skin glands producing too much oil, making the skin very prone to acne. The key treatment is to dampen the effects of oil without drying or irritating the skin.

“Oil-free” and “noncomedogenic” skin products will be your best bet. (“Noncomedogenic” means these won’t clog your pores and cause acne.)

You might be tempted to use strong cleansers to remove excess oil. This will only irritate the skin and trigger oil production. Instead, use a gentle, foaming facial wash.   

#4 Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin can get easily irritated by the standard product formulations in the market. They will likely trigger a reaction. Sensitive skin should be soothed, calmed, and protected from harsh irritants.

Read the labels carefully and choose “gentle,” “mild,” “fragrance-free,” and “noncomedogenic” products specifically formulated for sensitive skin.  

#5 Combination Skin

People can have dry regions and oily regions at the same time. For example, someone can have dry cheeks but an oily T-zone. The skincare regimen for these situations should address the needs of individual areas.

So for example, the dry region should receive more moisturizer treatment, while other areas are given less.


So that’s the SWEAT Formula. It is your mantra to nurse your sun-embattled skin back to health.

With sufficient Sleep, Water, Exercise, Anti-oxidants, and Tender Care, you can have healthy and glowing skin.


Skin conditions, generally speaking, are easy to treat. But some are symptomatic of a deeper underlying health issue. For these, you need to come in for a checkup.

BloodWorks Lab provides a full suite of checkup packages specifically tailored for you. As your one-stop shop for all your lab test needs, we offer a broad range of medical screenings and blood tests.

BloodWorks Lab was the first in the country to offer the Anti Acetylcholine Receptor (lgG) Antibody Test and the Anti N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor (Anti NMDA Receptor) Antibody Test.

Book your appointment today.

Our branches are in Alabang, Katipunan, and Cebu.